Wednesday, August 13, 2008

23. FYBA (English Literature Syllabus)

FYBA SYLLABUS for the year 2009, 2010, 2011

Textbook: Poetry Down the Ages: Orient Longman

Forms to be studied

1. Sonnet: A Sonnet and The World is Too Much with Us by William Wordsworth
2. Elegy: From Lycidas: John Milton
3. Ode: Ode to Autumn: John Keats
4. Ballad: Ballad of the Landlord: Langston Huges

Poems to be studied

1. A Requiem: William Shakespeare
2. A Hymn to God the Father: John Donne
3. From Paradise Lost: John Milton
4. From An Essay on Man (From Epistle II): Alexander Pope
5. The Chimney Sweeper: William Blake
6. The Tyger: William Blake
7. Tears, Idle Tears: Lord Alfred Tennyson
8. Prospice: Robert Browning
9. Felix Randal: G M Hopkins
10. The Windhover: G M Hopkins
11. An Irish Airman Foresees his Death: W B Yeats
12. Song: W H Auden
13. Next, Please: Philip Larkin
14. The Road Not Taken: Robert Frost
15. I, too: Langston Huges


Short Story Form + Following Short Stories
1. The Three Dancing Goats: Anonymous
2. Grief: Anton Chekov
3. The Doll’s House: Katherine Mansfield
4. How Much Land Does A Man Need?: Leo Tolstoy

One Act Play Form + Following One-act plays

1. A Marriage Proposal: Anton Chekov
2. The Boy Comes Home: A A Milne
3. Refund: Fritz Karinthy
4. The Monkey’s Paw: W W Jacobs

English Compulsory

2 Letters
4 Environment
7 Interviews
10 Struggle for Freedom

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