Wednesday, June 25, 2008

7. TYBA Syllabus 2008-98

Paper VI History of English Literature from 1550 to 1750
Characteristic Features
1. The characteristics of the Renaissance
2. The characteristics of the Elizabethan Age
3. The characteristics of the Restoration Age
4. The characteristics of University Wits
5. The characteristics of the Neo-Classical Age

Short Notes:
1. The Reformation
2. Edmund Spenser
3. Francis Bacon
4. Ben Jonson
5. John Webster
6. Addison
7. Richard Steele
8. William Congreve
9. Samuel Richardson
10. Henry Fielding

Othello by William Shakespeare

Selected Poems of Thomas Gray
1. Elegy written in a Country Churchyard
2. Ode on the Spring
3. Ode on the Pleasure arising from Vicissitude
4. Hymn to Adversity
5. Ode on a distant prospects of Eton College

Paper VII History of English Literature from 1750 to 1900
Characteristic Features
1. The characteristics of the Romantic Age
2. The younger Generation of the Romantic Age
3. The characteristics of the Victorian Age
4. The Women novelists of the Victorian Age
5. The influence of Karl Marx and Engel on Literature

Short Notes:
1. The American War of Independence
2. The impact of the French Revolution on literature
3. William Wordsworth
4. John Keats
5. Lord Tennyson
6. William Thackeray
7. Robert Frost
8. Ernest Hemingway
9. Tennessee Williams
10. The Pre Raphaelite Movement

Desire Under the Elms by Eugene O’Neil

Selected Poems of P B Shelley
1. Ode to Skylark
2. Ode to West Wind
3. Ode Written in Dejection near Naples
4. Mutability
5. When the Lamp is Shattered

Paper VIII History of English Literature from 1914 to 2000
1. Characteristics of Modern Age & Modernism
2. Poetic Drama
3. Post-colonialism
4. Stream of Consciousness
5. Irish Theatre Movement

Short Notes:
1. T S Eliot
2. W B Yeats
3. W H Auden
1. Joseph Conrad
2. Virginia Woolf
3. Somerset Maugham
1. John Osborne
2. Harold Pinter
3. George Bernard Shaw

1. Justice by John Galsworthy
2. Men and Women by Robert Browning
1. Love Among the Ruins
2. A Lover’s Quarrel
3. A Woman’s Last Word
4. By the Fire Side
5. My Star
6. Love in Life
7. Last Ride Together

Paper IX History of English Langue
The English Language by C L Wrenn Chapter I (Unit I to V) & Chapter VII (Unit I to VI)

1. Naga Mandala by Girish Karnad
2. The Lion and the Jewel by Wole Soyinka

Paper X Criticism
1. Introduction to the Study of Literature by W H Hudson Chapter No. I, II & VI
2. Making of Literature - Scott James (Five Critics to be studied)
1) Plato
2) Matthew Arnold
3) S T Coleridge
4) S B Crose
5) Lessing

Paper XI Phonetics, Literary Terms, Appreciation of Poetry & Prose Practical Criticism
1. Phonetics: G D O’Conor Better English Pronunciation
a) Organs of Speech
b) Mechanics
c) Stress
d) Intonation
e) Transcription (350 words to be chosen)

2. Literary Terms (25 terms) Reference Book: A Glossary of Literary Terms by M H Abraham

1. Aestheticism
2. Allegory
3. Ambiguity
4. Ballad
5. Chorus
6. Comedy
7. Decorum
8. Didactic Literature
9. Elegy
10. Epic
11. Feminism
12. Genre
13. Imitation
14. Irony
15. Lyric
16. Masque
17. Catharsis
18. Tragedy
19. Motif and Theme
20. Simile and Metaphor
21. Paradox and Oxymoron
22. Miracle and Morality Plays
23. Problem Play
24. Myth
25. Flat and Round Character

3. Appreciation of Poetry & Prose
4. Four Selected Literary Creation for Practical Purpose

1. One on a Grecian Urn : John Keats
2. The Tyger : William Blake
3. The Quality: John Galsworthy
4. The Lift that went Down the Hell: Par Lagerkvist

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